A-14, r. 5.4 - Agreement dated 11 October 2024 between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec respecting the tariff of fees and expenses of advocates rendering services in criminal and penal matters and the dispute settlement procedure

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53. For preparation of hearings and pre-trial conferences, and at the hearings or conferences, the fees are $290 per period.
The number of preparation periods payable to an advocate is limited to five periods per application heard by the court.
Decision 2024-10-11, s. 53.
In force: 2024-10-30
53. For preparation of hearings and pre-trial conferences, and at the hearings or conferences, the fees are $290 per period.
The number of preparation periods payable to an advocate is limited to five periods per application heard by the court.
Decision 2024-10-11, s. 53.